Ok so everybody and they're mama's mama are talking about Songz interview in HoneyMag, and so am I. First off, I will say that I am an admirer of Songz but I will try...try to keep this un bias. Ok let's get to it...
I would say that the interview was entertaining and eye-opening, but as a fan, it kind of makes your stomach quiver when you hear tales of his sexual rendevous when he's out on the road but Please! Its not that serious...he's a man, and a fine one at that, so of course he's going to be hittin' groupies. Lol I mean come on now, did you think the man was a virgin? I just don't get what's all the fuss about. There's even chix out here that are saying they aren't his fans anymore because of what he said in the interview. Are they For real? Well I read the same interview and I don't see what he said that was so damning that people have to get their panties in a bunch.
For you guys who are reading this and have yet to read the article in question, I offer an overview of what was said. But before I get to that, let me quickly give ol' girl from HoneyMag (Courtney Willis) major kudos. I think her whole hook into the interview as well as the questions she asked hit the nail on the head (is that some country ish to say?). But enough of that, let's get to the dirty naughty stuff...
In the opening of the interview Songz is asked questions about his new album dropping this fall titled, "Ready," and about possible collaborations in the future with rapper Loso, then the interview does a 180 and it's sex talk time! My fav! Turns out, Songz is a supporter of porn and he even offers a few free sites for you other horny dogs to check out (i'm already up on em' lolz). After the porn talk, the question asker sparks up a lil groupie talk. She wants to know if he's smashing groupies in every city he visits, and we find out some of Songz choice cities to frequent and get groupie love in. Then there's the compare/contrast questions about how Songz treats J.O's (jump off's) as opposed to someone he'd consider his main chick. Interesting, but nothing too outrageous. Like most young hip-hopping guys, Songz has that attitude that his "main girl" gets it all...everything he wouldn't give or do to a J.O. But that's how its supposed to be whether your the leading male R&B singer of 2009 or if your John Doe from Ohio. You never treat a J.O. with the same respect as wifey...duh! So to sum that part of the article up let's just say: If your looking to be one of Songz J.O's, don't expect to be wined and dined like wifey. He Won't be telling you that he loves you and in most cases your going home after you...well you know. But that's nothing out of the ordinary.
Then he touches on safe sex, but this shouldn't surprise his real fans, after all you have heard his song "Store Run" right? I thought so. CuteMomentAlert!!: In the interview, Songz remembers how his mommy use to pack Magnums (Pause..umph)...yes Magnums in his suitcase when he was going on the road, how cute! Yes, he talks about always having protection with him and he even admits that every J.O. doesn't leave the hotel room satisfied. But not for the reason you're thinking, if the J.O. isn't satisfied its because she hasn't got that "lights down low, candles everywhere," treatment that he sings about. But like I said before, when you're a J.O. you can't expect wifey treatment. Now let's get to the mo' betta...
Women cry after sex with him...umph...must be nice. Yes, Songz offers readers a whole host of crazy things women do while/after engaging in sex with him. Some of them cry, some of them vomit (can't take the D) while others claim his..ah...ah...juices taste sweet because he eats Skittles a lot. Idk Wtf that's about but you'll have to refer to the interview to read all about the Pineapple Juice and Skittle's goodness lolz. Crazy. Then there's more compare/contrast of groupies vs. wifey, more music talk, and he explains where his fam. fits into his hectic life. BTW, he has little brothers...so if you can't get to him...try one of them lolz. There's also a "either or section" included and Songz offers his blunt opinions about some of today's hottest messes and scandals (I think he's gettin' at Kelis). Oh yeah, he wants a wife and about 3,4,5, kids one day...he has pre-order packages for his new album available for his fans (yay!), and if we ever see a Trey Songz sex tape...know that he leaked it.
In all (and I'm not being bias) it was nothing wrong with the interview. But you know what it is?...ppl aren't used to celebrities being so honest. I can't remember the last interview I read where I felt the celebrity kept it 100. I mean, he answered all of the questions ol' girl asked and he told the truth. What more do you ppl want? Would you have preferred he lie? So if I had to be a judge, i'd say his interview with HoneyMag was definitely a Hit. And I know, I know...the ish about the girl vomiting because she couldn't take the D..was a bit much for you warm hearted fans to handle lolz but come ooooonnnnnn it was entertaining non the less. So Nelle P has made her decision and I rule Songz a Hit! So go and check the interview out now and lay off the boi Trey...he's keeping it real, who does that?!
Until Next Time,
Its Me!! Nelle P!!