If I hear another man complain that "brotha's got it bad" I'm going to pull my weave out! Like are you f'king serious! Women have it way worse than men and I can prove it. Exhibit A: Reproduction/Child birth, All you men have to do is stick your stick in a hole, plant some seeds, and keep it moving. But its not that easy for us women, we have to carry the baby in our body, get all stretched out of shape, try to give the baby everything he/she needs nutrition-wise while still fighting off cravings for Oreo's and pickles. And if that's not hard enough, after wobbling around for 9 months with this person living in our body, we then have to spend countless hours in a delivery room showing everyone what our mama's gave us while all your ass does is say "Push, Push." And if that isn't punishment enough, we then have to deal with the horrors of stretchmarks! When the last time a man pushed a human body out of his penis?...Don't worry, I'll wait!
Exhibit B: PMS! Do I even need to elaborate, like seriously how can you be a man and really believe that you have problems? I'll give your ass some problems. How about we trade your blue balls, athletes foot, and whatever other generic problems guys have for our cramps, bloating, stress, irritability, back pain, tension, mood swings, breast tenderness, and don't forget the bleeding! When guys start having monthly menstrual cycles and Tampax start making "penis pads," then I will start having sympathy for you.
And Finally (for now at least) Exhibit C: Social restrictions. Parents, teachers, and role models tell us our whole lives that we can think, do, and be anything we choose. But what they didn't tell us is that in society you can think, do, and be anything you want just as long as your not a GIRL! This is America the Great aka the land of the free but yet and still we (women) are told that we cant do this and we cant do that. Let them tell it, football isn't for girls, neither is basketball, baseball, soccer, or any sports for that matter, business, construction, hard labor, politics, and everything else they can think of. I guess the only thing we're good for is laying down and getting pregnant...oh no wait...we get blamed for that too! Like are you serious, who in the hell wants to trap you?!
As you can tell, I can go on for days about this and I can go toe to toe with who ever thinks otherwise. Don't get me wrong, being a woman is powerful and beautiful but it is definitely not an easy task. We have to deal with all of the problems life throws at us on top of physical handicaps, i.e. pregnancy & periods, and social stigmas. You think a black man has it hard, shit try being a black woman, or any woman for that matter. We have the weight of the world on our shoulders and we have to keep everything balanced while standing in 6-inch heels, carrying babies in our belly's, and sticking tampons in our....well you get the picture.
Until Next Time,
Its Me!!! Nelle P....and it feels so good to be back!