I had the wrong ideas about Love...I'm sure you can tell by the tattoo I have on my wrist that shown in the picture to the left. You see I thought Love was Pain...I thought Love was being committed enough to endure longstanding suffrage and hurt. I thought showing someone you love them meant standing by their side through thick and thin good and bad...even when there is more bad than good.
I thought loving someone meant accepting all of their flaws and false perceptions because that is a part of their make-up and when you Love someone you accept them for who they are right? I thought being in Love meant I had to make things work no matter what because true Love never dies right? Love was a full time job for me that required tons of attention and effort, understanding, commitment and acceptance. The Love I was in put me second and the one I Loved first. My Love was wrong.
Pain is NOT Love. Yes being in Love sometimes has its down falls and everything isn't peachy keen all the time. And yes anything worth having is worth fighting for but when the Love you are fighting for starts fighting against you and not fighting to be with you...its time to move on. Love should not be a constant battle where happiness is far and few between. Love is enjoyable and one of a kind. Not hurtful and easy to come by.
I say that to say this, if you Think you are in Love with someone...you may be but think twice about the type of love you share. All Love is not good Love...Trust me! Yes we all like the warm and fuzzy feeling being in Love brings and we all feel that we can weather the storm when things get rough. But be wise about Love. If there are more arguments and fights than kisses and hugs your version of Love may very well be tainted and you have two options and two options only: 1. You AND the one you Love evaluate the situation come up with a plan of action to change it for the better or 2. Let that Love go and prepare yourself to Love better the next time.
The worst thing is being in a situation where Love is tainted and unequal. Love should flow it shouldn't have to be forced. Love should feel good more than it hurts. And if the Love is Lost...it was never Love in the first place. Love should make you feel great...not trapped in a situation. Love shouldn't be painful. Needless to say...I will be changing this tattoo on my wrist. Its a true misrepresentation of what Love really is. I will upload a pic of the new Tat as soon as its finished! :)
Peace & Real Love
@InfamousNelle (on Twitter look for me!)