If you listen to good music and you sleeping on @Chip216 you better wake the f**k up!"-Shanelle via Twitter
You know when you've been waiting for Christmas so you can finally open that gift you've been eying all month? And you've waited so long that when you finally get it your brain goes crazy, your limbs don't cooperate and no matter what you're doing you can't focus on anything except for unwrapping the gift? Well that's the moment I just experienced when i finally got my hands on the Highly Anticipated Mixtape from Cleveland's Own Chip Tha Ripper (@Chip216 on Twitter) "Gift Raps." I Don't remember when I first heard the buzz of this mixtape but I do remember the anticipation I felt when I got the news. I couldn't wait to hear this...I've been bumping Chip Tha Ripper since like '07 I believe and he hasn't disappointed yet.
Have you ever heard someone say, "So and So think they God's Gift to the world!"...well this mixtape is Chip's Gift to Rap. Literally. This 13 track concoction of creative, hard knocking beats and crafty, swift, intelligently composed rhymes makes for a very nice gift to the rap game. But more than anything I think it makes for a very nice gift to Chip's fans and every native of Cleveland, rap fans and foes alike. He "Puts On" for the city, plain and simple. Coming from Cleveland where we never quite get what we deserve, the credit that's do or the breaks that's needed, Chip makes the industry wake up to our city.
From the very start of the mixtape with "The Entrance," (Prod. By Chip, Duke & Julio) Chip Tha Ripper's delivery is so attention grabbing that you can't help but to stop whatever you're doing and pay attention. And the next track "Light One Up," does the same. But the third track, "U.A.F." does something different all together. If by the time you reached the third layer of this present, if you still found yourself sleep this "U.A.F." track pours ice water in your pants and forces you to wake the f**k up! U.A.F. which stands for Ugly Ass F**k is a very cleverly composed track which is a very smart song when you think about it from a marketing stand-point.
Think about it, whenever you have a song that says anything about pretty girls standing up, or ugly girls shutting up you sort of instantaneously have a hit on your hands as a rapper...well for appealing rappers anyway. Because this sort of track is very attractive to women and even men who may not necessarily care about lyrics, word play and delivery. This is the type of song that will be a hit just because, if nothing else, people will react positively to the message of the song just because they don't want to be the ones considered U.A.F.
"The Big Bang" and "Everyday Chillin" fits nicely where "U.A.F." leaves off. "The Big Bang," sounds like the title. The banging drums in the beat and tough but smooth delivery Chip has on the record is like an audible climax. "Everyday Chillin," is a nostalgic record with a head knocking beat that makes you bob your head unknowingly. "The Coldest," starts off with a sick beat that teases you a bit before Chip's distinctive tone overlaps the sounds and begins seducing ladies with his traditionally flirty rhymes. "Life," (a personal favorite) is a great song with incredible production that gives it a mid-90's Texas-styled, UGK feel. And Chip really shows versatility and depth on this particular song. Not to mention his delivery on the song....magnificent.
"DynoMan," comes of more production based, Chip only raps about 1 minute and 23 seconds into the song before he stops and let the rest of the beat play out. Which is a Neptune-ic, Futuristic sounding type of beat. It sounds the way I imagine being high off Weed feels. "Jumanji" and "Hang Out," also showcases some good beat production to go along with the cutting edge rhymes Chip displays. "Hang Out," reminds me of some like '07-'08 Classic Chip Tha Ripper. In "Plural," (co-Prod by Blended Babies) is a cool, summer-time feeling type of track where Chip The Ripper creates lyrical visions of him pretty much enjoying the company and pleasures of having two women (and blunts) at once. Very relaxing beat and laid back enjoyable song.
"UnderDogs," is thee anthem for anyone creeping on a come-up! The beat, again, is sick with boastful, encouraging raps from Chip. And then the gift is completely unwrapped once we come to a conclusion with "The Bio," which is pretty self-explanatory. Chip Tha Ripper goes on an lyrical assault with his delivery in 3 minutes and 15 seconds of quick paced, tongue twisting lines conveying his life story over a beat. Utter satisfaction. Pleasureful. Fulfilling. Chip Tha Ripper delivers.
In the end, "Gift Raps," lives up to its title. This mixtape is a gift to the game, the ears, the senses, and stereo systems. Chip shows measurable growth from previous works and showcases his undeniable rapping talents. A for sure 5 star mixtape. So I highly recommend any fan of Good Music and Better Rapping to cop this joint. Shoutout and #Salute to Chip Tha Ripper, if you live under the stupid tree and are not hip...Google him. Also you can follow him on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/Chip216. Also big shoutouts to everyone involved in the making of "Gift Raps," especially Chuck Inglish who is credited as being the Producer of this mixtape as well as Johnathan Keller who gets Engineering credit, according to Livemixtapes.com. Cleveland Stand Up!
Signing Off,
In(F)amously Me,
It is my mission to bring creativity and a true sense of writing to blogging. While my priority is to entertain, it is my duty to inform. Shanelle is the mind, InFamousNelle is the alter-ego and Team258 is the Team! Follow us on Twitter @InfamousNelle @LegendaryBlack @Zdakid & check the site www.Team258.com
The Chick with the Blogz

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
::What's Love?::
I had the wrong ideas about Love...I'm sure you can tell by the tattoo I have on my wrist that shown in the picture to the left. You see I thought Love was Pain...I thought Love was being committed enough to endure longstanding suffrage and hurt. I thought showing someone you love them meant standing by their side through thick and thin good and bad...even when there is more bad than good.
I thought loving someone meant accepting all of their flaws and false perceptions because that is a part of their make-up and when you Love someone you accept them for who they are right? I thought being in Love meant I had to make things work no matter what because true Love never dies right? Love was a full time job for me that required tons of attention and effort, understanding, commitment and acceptance. The Love I was in put me second and the one I Loved first. My Love was wrong.
Pain is NOT Love. Yes being in Love sometimes has its down falls and everything isn't peachy keen all the time. And yes anything worth having is worth fighting for but when the Love you are fighting for starts fighting against you and not fighting to be with you...its time to move on. Love should not be a constant battle where happiness is far and few between. Love is enjoyable and one of a kind. Not hurtful and easy to come by.
I say that to say this, if you Think you are in Love with someone...you may be but think twice about the type of love you share. All Love is not good Love...Trust me! Yes we all like the warm and fuzzy feeling being in Love brings and we all feel that we can weather the storm when things get rough. But be wise about Love. If there are more arguments and fights than kisses and hugs your version of Love may very well be tainted and you have two options and two options only: 1. You AND the one you Love evaluate the situation come up with a plan of action to change it for the better or 2. Let that Love go and prepare yourself to Love better the next time.
The worst thing is being in a situation where Love is tainted and unequal. Love should flow it shouldn't have to be forced. Love should feel good more than it hurts. And if the Love is Lost...it was never Love in the first place. Love should make you feel great...not trapped in a situation. Love shouldn't be painful. Needless to say...I will be changing this tattoo on my wrist. Its a true misrepresentation of what Love really is. I will upload a pic of the new Tat as soon as its finished! :)
Peace & Real Love
@InfamousNelle (on Twitter look for me!)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"Who's Next To Trend?" ::M.Stacks::

When you think about top DJ's in Cleveland M.Stacks name should ring a bell and when you think about producers on the come-up don't count M.Stacks out. Producing songs since grade school and having his beats featured on songs You most likely shake your tail feather to, M.Stacks is definitely a force to be reckoned with. He's already blazing his trail in the game and big names in hip-hop and R&B alike such as D-Block,Bun B, Ray Cash, Kidz in the Hall, The Legendary Levert Family and many more have already summoned the self-proclaimed prodigy to produce hits for them. Stacks may be young but this DJ/Producer has an old soul and a great work ethic which guarantees his success in the game. But don't get him confused with your other local DJ's...this guy is destined for greatness. With a humble demeanor not too often seen from the wannabe DJ Clue dudes and authentic talent not seen too often in the era of You Tube M.Stacks is without a doubt next up to trend.
@InfamousNelle: So tell me about yourself sir where do you hail from? What was your life like growing up? Were you one of those weird child prodigy's or just a normal kid?
M. Stacks: Well, my name is Miguel Brown. I'm better known as M. Stacks. I'm from Shaker Heights, OH. I had pretty good child hood. I was an only child so i got everything i asked for. I mean my childhood was pretty typical, just like any other middle American family. I sucked in school, although i scored very high on standardized tests. I definitely was a child prodigy. I was selling beats to grown men at the age of 14. By the time I was 17 I was featured in 2007 fall issue of GQ magazine.
@InfamousNelle: So how did you get into music? Was it through your Dad, I see him with you a lot.
M. Stacks: Yes I got into music through my dad. The cool thing about me and my dad is that he's not that much older than me, so we basically come from the same era of music. So all the stuff he listened to, he made me listen to it too. A mixtape DJ by the name of PrettyBoy Floyd introduced me to the music industry. He was one of the first people that believed in my beats. He put my beats on ALL of his mixtapes and got me connected on the underground seen as a kid. And the reason you might catch my father with me when I'm out and about is because he is my personal assistant and one of my a&r's.
@InfamousNelle: What took you from being a fan of music to producing it and creating sounds of your own?
M. Stacks: I'm still a fan, I'm a huge fan, of everybody from Bun-B, to the Leverts. And I think that's what made me a producer. I'm so big of a fan of these people that I wanted to actually be the one to helped them make the kind of music that I wanted to hear. I used to get mad as a kid like "Damn, I wish Ray Cash would rap on a beat that went like this." And now the only difference is I can actually do something about it.
@InfamousNelle: Most people know you as M. Stacks the DJ...some people don't know about M. Stacks the producer and hit maker. Tell the people a little about the production you've done and some of the artist you have produced for. I'm sure they will be impressed because I was...
M. Stacks: Yeah you're right lol. But I think most people don't know me from anything in particular, they just know me, or know of me from somewhere, and that's how I like it. I don't want to be put into a box or categorized. I have produced "Look At Them Hips" for Bun-B and Kidz In The Hall, "Certified" for Ray Cash & Curren$y, "Watching Me" for Carlysia Levert, "You Aint Gotta Like Me" for J. Hood (D-Block), and a plethora of others. (Google these songs)
@InfamousNelle: How would you describe your production style?
M. Stacks: I would say my production style is real crisp. Not too dark and grimey, but at the same time not too commercial.
@InfamousNelle: Now you know I am a big fan of you as a DJ...I really dig how you do your mixes and how you incorporate the oldschool into the new school stuff that's out. How would you describe yourself as a DJ?
M. Stacks: To be honest with you, I'm a producer that just happens to know how to work Serato Scratch Live. So i'm like a fan spinning music. I dont have any real skills when it comes to dj-ing, I'm essentially just a fan playing music that I love in the order of how I like to hear it. And the people like it. Oh, and I happen to know how to scratch too lol.
@InfamoussNelle: When I go to a party where you are on the 1's and 2's I pretty much know I'm going to dance my ass off all night and have a good time. How do you think your DJing style differs from the other DJ's in Cleveland?
M. Stacks: I'm in another lane that sets me apart from all the other Cleveland Dj's. I am one of the only producer/dj's in Cleveland. So that alone makes my style different. I play music that represents me, and that means a lot to me. Most of the Cleveland DJ's have to play Top 40 and Gucci ALL NIGHT LONG. But people kind of expect me to go a different route because of what I do for a living (produce music). So instead of playing what you would normally expect, I play what's in my heart. Everything I play has a purpose. I'm glad to be in a position where I don't have to play top 40 music all night.
@InfamousNelle: Now from what I see you are a pretty humble laid back dude, have you had any beef with anybody in the entertainment industry or is it pretty much all love between you and the other guys out here?
M. Stacks: It's all love. I love everybody in this industry. I'm a real guy, and others respect me for that. I do have a problem with "Janky Promoters" tho lol, they're the worst of the wost.
@InfamousNelle: If you had to describe your style in three words what would you say?
M. Stacks: "Swagg, Swagg, Wooooh" (Lil' B voice) lol
@InfamousNelle: Well sir I thank you so much for taking out the time and sitting down with me but this is the end of the road for interview number one, but this is the part where you get to do all of your shout outs and make any announcements for things the people can look forward to and just pretty much say whatever you want to say until we meet again.
M. Stacks: You're welcome, Nelly Nelle! Shouts out to Cleveland State and C.A.B.!!! Shouts out to my brother Will Warren (that's my right hand man), Shouts out to Skean Diggs, Shouts out to Q-Dollaz, Shouts to my girl, Shouts to my sponsor IM-King Clothing, Shouts out to this life I live, Shouts out to Mick Boogie & Terry Urban. Shouts out to www.mstacksmusic.com
"Who's Ne\xt To Trend?" ::Jenny Lee::

When you think of fashion you probably think New York, L.A. or Paris but if its up to some people soon Cleveland will be synonymous with the fashion industry. Just ask Jennifer Lee bka Jenny Lee (@OneJennyLee via Twitter) a model from Cleveland looking to take the fashion industry by storm. Jenny is still considered a fresh face in the world of fashion and she still has a way to go in the game but she is already two steps ahead of most wanna be models with plenty of print work circulating and too many gigs to juggle. Its no doubt Jenny is making her mark on the world of fashion and I sat down with her to get the scoop on life as a model, a mommy, a student, and a everyday girl in the industry trying to make it big in the Land of Dreams.
@InfamousNelle: The Infamous Jenny Lee what's up hun? How is everything these days?
Jenny Lee: Hey, hey, hey! Lol, things are pretty great for me right now thanks for asking!
@InfamousNelle: So lets backtrack a bit give the admirer's out there a little insight on who Jenny really is...what is your story?
Jenny Lee: I was born in raised in the Cleveland area, been here my whole life, I'm the oldest of three girls, I had to grow up kind of quickly due to some things in my childhood but I don't regret anything that I've gone through because without them I wouldn't be Jenny. I love being there for people & if I have it to give you can bet I will give it to you..
@InfamousNelle: How do you think life has shaped the woman you are today?
Jenny Lee: As I stated before, I had a lil bit of a rough childhood/adolescence so I grew into being very self sufficient pretty fast. I also learned firsthand that "what doesn't kill you makes stronger" & I've become very strong & determined because of it.
@InfamousNelle: Now lets move on to the runway...how did you get started in modeling?
Jenny Lee:It was a fluke actually, lol! A friend of mines brother is a photographer & he met me & liked my look & asked me if I ever thought about modeling. We had a test shoot, he liked how the pictures came out & here I am!
@InfamousNelle: Runway modeling or print work...which one do you enjoy more?
Jenny Lee: I really don't do runway too much because I'm only 5'4" (runway they like you to be 5'10" or taller) so I have more print work under my belt so naturally I'm more inclined to do print work versus runway.
@InfamousNelle: We all know how tough it is trying to make it into the world of modeling (even harder for African Americans) but it has to be really tough trying to make a modeling career and hailing from Cleveland because as Clevelanders we all know how the city gets overlooked and all of the talent here usually get picked over so how has your journey in the fashion world been?
Jenny Lee: Luckily I've come across a few people that have helped me along the way whether it be taking pictures or giving me advice so I haven't encountered any major problems as of yet. I love my city but I know that in order to further my career I can't limit myself to staying solely in Cleveland simply because it's not a hot spot for the modeling industry.
@InfamousNelle: Now to keep it real one of the main reasons its so hard to make it in the city is the people, Clevelanders have a reputation for being crabs...haters that pull each other down instead of uplifting each other. Have you encountered any hate on your journey in the industry?
Jenny Lee: Sadly I have, but I take it with a grain of salt & take it as me doing something right. Honestly I would be a little worried if I didn't have any haters!
@InfamousNelle: How does Jenny Lee stand out in a crowd of other chicks who think they can be America's Next Top Model also?
Jenny Lee: I think I'm different because of my drive. I understand that I'm not going to hit it big overnight & in order to get where I want to be I'm going to have to grind. Some chicks think it's just standing in front of a camera looking pretty when modeling is so much more than that. You have to take criticism, get used to hearing no more than a few times, do shoots for hours on end sometimes, it's a tough job..
@InfamousNelle: What drives you in such a tough industry?
Jenny Lee: The need to be the best at what I do & my refusal to quit!
@InfamousNelle: Another thing that has to be tough is juggling a million gigs, school, work and most importantly Little Jenny Lee (her beautiful daughter) how do you manage everything and manage to keep your sanity?
Jenny Lee: Prayer! Lol, it does get hectic at times but I can't let my little princess Kyla down. Everything I do is for her..
@InfamousNelle: What is your number one goal or your biggest dream as far as modeling goes?
Jenny Lee: I hope that modeling opens other doors for me like acting, I also sing too (little known fact :-) so I'm hoping I can do other things as well
@InfamousNelle: At the end of the day what do you want people to say about you?
Jenny Lee: I want people to say that I was pesistent, determined, & I never gave up. "Jenny Lee went for hers & she got it!" That's what I would want them to say..
@InfamousNelle: Well I thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to show me and www.InfamousNelle.blogspot.com some love...but this is unfortunately the end for now but I'm positive we will be sitting down for a part two soon. So this is where you get to make all of your shoutouts, announcements, say anything to the fans and haters, tell people where they can find you and inform us on upcoming projects until we meet again.
Jenny Lee: Well you can find me on twitter @OneJenny Lee & www.modelmayhem.com/JenniferNicoleL, and you van add my fan page via Facebook, Official Fan Page Of Jenny Lee. I will be shooting my first poster this coming Friday, yay, which will be on sale via website, I'll be sure to pass that info along to you & I have a website in the works. I wanna shout out my baby girl Kyla of course, Mommy loves you Mookie! Also my very first photographer Chris Strother who took a chance on me, also shouts out to all my friends & family for supporting me, Fresh Studios, Jay R. Fogle & The Elite Angels, I could go on & on but I won't so if I forgot anyone I'm sorry! It's all love! To my fans I love y'all soooo much & I appreciate each & every one of & all the love & support! My haters, I love y'all too so here's a big, fat kiss...MUAH!!! XOXOXO! Thanks for having me Nelle & I wish you all the success in the world!
Monday, July 5, 2010
"Who's Trending Next?" ::Quameen Vernon::

This week's "Who's Trending Next?" was a no-brainer. I mean who's buzzing more in the world of comedy right now than Quameen "@Quambombz" Vernon??? I sat down in an exclusive interview with the next King of Comedy and got more insight on his character as a man and his role as a leader than I ever thought I would. But besides all that we got to the business, see what Quameen has to say about what lead him to his current standing, being the talk of the town in the world of comedy, his response to other comedians on the come-up, the haters, janky ass promoters and his manager Darnell "@Flyjones_ssp" Jones and everything in between. In this riveting tell-all interview Quameen didn't leave a stone unturned or a topic not discussed so what more can I say??? Trending Next: Quameen Vernon!!!!!
@ImfamousNelle: Who is Quameen Vernon?
Quameen: Wow! I've never been actually asked that directly but umm let me see...well to sum it up briefly...First off I'm a leader...a leader who isn't afraid to follow, I consider myself a loyal person and trustworthy, I'm a listener as well as I am a talker, I like to observe, I aspire to educate the youth, starting with Cleveland, thus me being an education major at Cleveland State, I'm very social, humorous kinda guy, like a peoples person, mannerable, a motivator, someone who would be better off if i took my own advice, modest:until I feel Challenged, Multi-talented, and VERSATILE...handsome and Single....Haaaaant!!
@InfamousNelle: What was your upbringing like?
Quameen: "Its a hard knock life...for us" lol naw my upbringing was mainly a typical, cliche story of those who come from where I come from, I came from a family of 5 siblings, me being the youngest...a single hard working mom who dealt with playing the role of a mom and a dad, which is the hardest thing for a woman to do, trying to raise a man and, with help she did a pretty good damn job might I say...I mean she never gave up, worked 2 jobs since I've known her lol, dealt with a divorce, and though she still had income, we were food stamp babies lol, the money that came in a booklet, different colors like monopoly money lol that's that throwback money! Lol but my moms relatively an older woman, raised by REAL southern parents, so she mad old school, she like 100 now, naw but she'll be 53 in August.
@InfamousNelle: What do you think helped you overcome adversity as opposed to falling by the wayside like so many other young brothers who grew up
similar to you?
Quameen: Man it ain't so much as what.....more like WHO! Me being raised by a lot of women, as a boy I was teased..they told me I would be soft, so I was ALWAYS fighting, plus I didn't have no brothers to call so I had to take em on myself..I didn't wanna be soft man, so where ever we lived I hung around with the older cats, tryna to emulate them, and do what they did, but as I grew older I encountered a lot of more positive men that saw the potential I had in me that this city needs, and took me under their wings,whether it was by the cats in the streets, shouts out @Raybgohard and @YungRon_TYP we from the same hood and they kinda played a role in my humorous ways lol, or whether it was through school, shouts out @RicoDaCinco and @Basheerj, those guys been knowing me since I was 10, and we still have strong relationships today, and I learned lessons from all those guys, they really had a postive affect on me in most aspects of my life
@InfamousNelle: Where does the funny come from? LOL Like how did you get
into comedy?
Quameen: It comes from within....lol naw I'm more of an impromptu kinda guy, so most of my "funny" comes from (snaps finger) on the spot, you know just a bunch of people around talking having a good time, or if it's comedy, like stand up, it comes from life experiences, what all GOOD comedians do is take their life experiences good and bad, and talk about, and BLOW IT UP!!! Being younger darker than others and relatively chubby, I was always picked on, but that didn't happen for long lol, either we ranked on each other then fought, but I was the defender, if someone was picking on someone, I would come captain save a h** to the rescue lol, I never was the bully type. I pride myself on being ORIGINAL, especially if it's stand up, if I'm just around a few friends of course I'll do impersonations, but I'll NEVER steal or twist any ones material, I know how it is to pull punchlines together, Comedy is all about being a great STORY TELLER, not as in a liar, but as in a person who can engage the crowd and people into his work and they are able to relate to you...
@InfamousNelle: Who do you look up to as a comedian?
Quameen: Man oh man, Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real on Twitter), not because he is Belly Busting funny, the buzz of the comedy world, or noticeably short, but one thing that stands out to me about him that most people tend to over look, is the love he has for his FANS!! Most people forget about THE CUSTOMER!!! The people who made you!!! He show All his fans Love when he can, I been watching that dude since paper soldiers, and you can see the growth in him as a artist (not physically lol), I mean he's a phenomenal story teller and everyone can relate to, he's like that funny as uncle that comes around every now and then that has everybody cracking up, he definitely is under rated and needs to do a new "Kings of Comedy Tour" in like 2 years, that's one man I would emulate in my character as a aspiring comedian...
@InfamousNelle: Unlike the typical class clown and resident funny guy, you are actually making some note worthy moves in the industry. What made you interested in doing stand-up comedy and what are your plans for your
stand-up career?
Quameen: Man to be flat out honest, I didn't wanna do stand up, I mean I'm funny, but I never considered myself Stand Up funny, like People been telling me that for YEARS, Class Clown, and everything, man I sometimes didn't get in trouble because I would have the Teachers laughing...but if it wasn't for people telling me...Do it...do it...do it...I would have never taken that first step or first show...but my plans are to tighten up my material, diversify it, and go full steam ahead, my manager Darnell Jones (@flyjones_ssp on Twitter)is always reassuring me how funny I am and how I have the efficacy to be a great comedian, always making sure I'm working on material, Always presenting me with an opportunity, i can say as a manager, he's doing his part, people questioned me about having a friend or anyone from Street Smarts Productions manage me, but @Flyjones_ssp cut from another cloth, he gets it done!! when I'm in doubt, he tells all I have to do is just do it... Whenever he proposes an opportunity for me I'll always ask: "man, you think I can do it? @flyjones_ssp: "Nigga what? Yes dude!! You got this shit" my first hosting job outside Cleveland State, the Street Smarts Fashion show, The BIGGEST Fashion show to hit Cleveland with 600 + people by the way, where everyone didn't know me, I was nervous as HELL, He told me maaaannn u got this, and though it started off slow....I KILLED that SHIT!!! It was better than my comedy show...though I didn't make as much...matter of fact I still ain't collect my $150, @mRohiO @PatcoolAzz @IAmThe_Dream @ChuckThatDude @CaRonnTheKing SHOW ME THE MONEY!! Lol
@InfamousNelle: Are you interested in doing movies?
Quameen: Hell yeah, I have a little acting experience too, like I said, I'm versatile, and I think that's essential to being a great actor or comedian, some comedians should just stick to doing comedy, but some that start as comedians actually do better in the film industry, and as a matter of fact, I have a few short film trailers I'll be working on from a local film maker Steve Caple who doesn't have a Twitter but is very known, and we definitely have a few things in the works now.
@InfmaousNelle: What would be your dream project to do and who would be your
Quameen: My dream project? Hmmm anything with a kissing scene with Alicia Keys, lol naw but anything that would make people think, and enlighten the world or open their eyes to something, Co-Starring Alicia Keys, with a kissing scene lol.
@InfamousNelle: But back to the big moves you've been making, you recently
took home a nice stack for winning the talent show Cleveland State
University put on for $1000. And with all of the popularity and praise you
received after it I'm sure the haters came out also. So even though you are
relatively new to the comedy scene have you had to overcome any adversity
since you made your stand-up debut?
Quameen: Oh yeah, Oh Yeah.....PRESSURE!!!! Everybody wants to know and is excited for what's next for me...and I gotta come with it...every next move has to be semi major, all the haters haven't REALLY surfaced yet, just a few, but NOBODY WORTH mentioning...but I can't wait until they do...it always makes me worker hard, but as of right now, I have more Supporters, than haters, now I'm working on getting MORE FANS, I'll be CLEVELANDS Favorite Pretty soon.
@InfamousNelle: Now I personally know you, so I know that you are a very
humble and respectful dude however, this is the entertainment business and
sometimes nice guys finish last. In a recent interview we did with another
comedian on the rise, Young Joob...he kind of sort of aimed some shots your
way. He doesn't seem to be too impressed by the hype.What do you have to say
to Young Joob and any other comedian on the come-up who is coming for your
Quameen: Haha @Young_Joob, SMH, I been knowing JAMES WEST since 6th-7th grade, and he know WHAT IT IS, we actually both use to have everybody rolling at school together, and we even have our own little sayings and what not, but once upon a time, he use to be a fan of mine, lol we were both in the B.R.I.C.K program, and he was always the first one laughing, if not Finishing or extending my jokes, But back to the matter at hand, as far as @Young_Joob not being impressed...well I mean I'm not even impressed compared to what I have coming up, with the hosting of various shows, comedy shows and competition, this is just the "mixtape" so to speak, and he hasn't even jumped off the porch yet, I mean what shows has he done? What "fan" base outside of Twitter does he have? Yeah he's a phenom on Twitter, but if he really wants to do comedy, he better get going before I TAKE THE FUCK OFF! get something under his belt first before he makes statements about me, Yeah SHOTS THE FUCK FIRED lol, I mean it's like those rappers who go on and on about the upcoming people that everyone is buzzing about, and say what they can do...I mean no doubt he's funny, I consider him Explicit, which is cool, but obviously he is only Appropriate for ONE type of Crowd, people who like Explicit Material, and Me, I'm VERSATILE, what the people want, The People get! And if ANYBODY wanted to go head to head on the Comedy side, Lets GO!!! but like I said I'm Modest, UNTIL I'm CHALLENGED, for example, when me and Mactar (@MacGoneGobal on Twitter) spoke on a few occasions that we were both in the comedy show that I initially wasn't gonna do, we shared tips, and he gave some advice, later I got word that he made a statement that "See Q aight, he just do this comedy stuff, For fun, I do it for a LIVING," that FIRED me up in the right way and made me GO FULL STEAM ahead in the show, and how did @MacGoneGobal act turn out? But in the same sense I love the fact that they think they are the best, because if u don't believe you are good at what you do then who will? Because if u ask me, I AM one of the best in Cleveland at what i do Lol but at the END of the day it's always love...I RESPECT both of those guys as men and Artist, and hope to see them do great things, AS LONG as they put ON FOR CLEVELAND, if not Fuck em! I Do it for my City!! Where can you get love if you can't get love at Home? Home is your foundation where it all starts! And that goes for any other aspiring Comedian, But like I said, good luck to them, and if they play their cards right, MAYBE I'll let them open up for me, just maybe....
@InfamousNelle: Do you think you hold the crown for comedians in Cleveland?
And what is your plans not only for you but for the city of Cleveland as far
as the entertainment world goes?
Quameen: Hold The Crown??? Heck No!! Am I standing over it? Drooling, ready to devour it like a piece of well done steak? Lol HELL YEAH!! Do I have my eyes on it? Yes! Is it up for grabs? Yes! If u ask me, I couldn't even tell you who holds it, I haven't done much to hold it, I mean as far as doing something BIG!! But that's in the works! I mean I'm not feeling the Challenge right now...who wants to be "The King" by Default? Who wants to "The King" to an Un-Proclaimed Thrown, I want to FIGHT for it, don't give me NOTHING, let me twist for arm, break your wrist and snatch that shit out your head, and that's what I plan to ANY comedian who proclaims themselves as "The King" of Cleveland Comedy. I ain't seen nothing BIG enough, the only person who I see making known moves on the comedy side is my unofficial mentor Cleveland James, who hosted my First Ever Comedy Show, (@ClevelandJames1 on Twitter) so shouts out to him, but I would even give him a run for his money if NOT smoke him lol, but I respect that dude because the FIRST then he did when I spoke with him one on one via twitter was pointing me in the right direction and presenting me with opportunity, I like that, I wanna see everybody get on in Cleveland, but too many people have that single minded attitude, don't want to put nobody else on...DO WORK too that's my advice, don't have that "Cleveland Rapper" mentality and "Say" you the "BEST RAPPER" in Cleveland, it's cool to say it, but you gotta show the people something, Produce some work out to the people. Granted Cleveland isn't the best circuit for entertainment, it has the power to be if we Challenged each in the right to step up our game....and if u get on, pour back into Cleveland, instead of leaving just to "get on" that's why I fucks with Kid Cudi, everywhere he goes, people knows where he is from, and the crazy part is, he's not even from the Greater Cleveland area but the out skirts of Shaker Heights, but that's close enough, and I respect that about him, I would love to bring some sort of entertainment network circuit to Cleveland for people to express their talents, instead of depending on one man whose not even FROM Cleveland proclaim themselves as the King of Cleveland Sports (Lebron James) #YeahISaidIt but for real, I hate to see my city struggling and a kneeling at one mans feet because he's bringing in the most revenue or something close to it....but that could be a whole other blog topic, so that's all I have to say about that.
@InfamousNelle: Are you currently being managed by anyone or are you playing
it cool for now?
Quameen: Yeah I actually am, Darnell Jones of Stree tSmart Productions, (@Flyjones_ssp) I feel he's the right person to have in my corner, I seen him in action, and I know what he is capable of, though some people questioned me on it, I mean I don't know if he see's a dollar sign in something that can become great lol, but whatever he see's all I can say is that he is doing his part, and we both can learn and sharpen each other in our respective fields, I mean who better to have as your manager than someone who dies on the floor laughing, BEFORE this whole comedy thing took off, like honestly if he would have never encouraged me to host that Fashion Show, I would have punked out and miss the opportunity...and he's a trustworthy guy and we have a level of respect for each other to where as I don't see anything getting in the way or hindering our relationship, or my loyalty...he's the only person I seen walk up to Kevin Hart in the V.I.P of a club that was going CRAZY, (when I was Scared to lol) in the mist of all the people surrounding him, and talk to him personally and walk away with KEVIN HARTS business card, now THAT'S the kinda guy I have in my corner, Shouts out to FlyJones_ssp WE TAKING It FIRST BOSS, Just Let Them Wait For Now!!!
@InfamousNelle: Ok, well unfortunately we have reach the end for now, you
know we could go on talking for days and days. But I'm certain this is only
part 1 of many interviews to come for us. But this is the part where we here
at www.infamousnelle.blogspot.com must say farewell and you sir get to make
all of your shout-outs, announcements, let everyone know where they can find
you and what gigs you have in the works and if you wanna take any last shots
at anyone until we meet again.
Well.... Let Me see, first and foremost I hate to be Cliche, but I want to thank God for blessing me with this gift and the opportunities that have came about and I pray that he keeps me humble and in good health to lift peoples spirits, because you never know who your speaking to through your work, I wanna thank my Family, my mom and my 5 sisters, Aka "My Six Mommas" who are my biggest fans and always play a role in my material lol,even my dad who I'm building a relationship with now and I can kinda see where my funny bone comes from... I definitely want to send a BIG ASS thanks to the students of Cleveland State University who support me, I get Sooooo much Love there, Especially The Student org of the year (Young Peoples Initiative) where i got my first taste of hosting and took my first baby steps of Comedy!!!! I AM "Mr. Cleveland State" I LOVE y'all man and I do this for y'all, and wouldn't have anybody else behind me! Thank You!! Thanks to my Manager Darnell "Fly Jones" for believing in me when even some of his counterparts doubted me, but it's cool, that made me work Harder!!! Thanks to Cleveland James @ClevelandJames1 who was willing to show me the ropes!! Thanks to @RayBGoHard for forcing me to roast older cats and making me better, him and @YungRon_TYP, especially @YungRon_TYP who pulled me aside at the fashion show and damn near put a foot up my ass and told me to get it going and Put on for My Hood!! Lol that's also one of my coaches as a young roaster! They been knowing me since I was like 11 Lol Thanks to my Big Brother Basheer Jones @BasheerJ who instilled the importance of giving back and the Love for Cleveland in me, I love you for that!! And most importantly THANK YOU CLEVELAND! For being the root of it all and showing me so much love.... As far as things to come, I'm really trying to get this Rap Battle Thing Off The Ground, with me and a long time friend of my mine Riccardo Stewart @WhoBetter_Rick, I won't be battling but I will be the host, and if CHALLENGED lol I WILL battle ANYBODY let that be known, so be on the look out for MIDWEST BATTLEGROUNDS!! Also in the comedy side I'm in the works of putting together a All Ohio College Comedy Tour!!! Shhh promoters are thieves in Cleveland Lol, but yeah I want that to be huge, but might not go into effect until Next Spring!! As far SHOTS!!!! For all you Janky Promoters that tried to swindle me this summer, haha "Jokes" on you...and ill leave that at that, because they wont last long, Lol and Here's a little Message to all you other Aspiring comedians, Step Ya Game Up, Or Get STEPPED On!! Show me something, give me a reason to blow up!! I ain't seen Nothing!!! You can be a Twitter sensation all you want....but show me something where it counts.... THE STAGE...And that ONE MIC!!! And get a REAL LIVE Fan Base first before you mention My Name!!! #NowRunAndTweetThat!!! But for those on a positive note, I look forward to working with you, but if you try to play me, Look Forward to working FOR ME!! #NowRogerDat!!!
Also go to www.youtube.com type in Quameen Vernon to see a little of his stand-up routine...he's the black guy on the stage. LOL very funny.
Kevin Hart,
Quameen QuamBombZ Vernon
Sunday, June 27, 2010
"Who's Next To Trend?" ::Fly Tye::

If you have a Twitter account...or a radio...or the world wide web chances are you have heard of Fly Tye. Straight out of Cleveland, Superior to be exact, Fly Tye has his eyes on the rap game and if the fans are right he's the next thing to blow. His highly anticipated mixtape has built Fly Tye a buzz I'm sure not even he expected and singles like "Stacks in my denim" (produced by Zaytoven) and "5th of Tang" are in constant rotation everywhere from the Land to the ATL. His undeniable talent even caught the attention of the famed "Luxe Management" the same management company of Rap superstar Gucci Mane and his protege Wacka Flocka Flame. Fly Tye has also mastered the art of self promotion with over 3200 followers on his Twitter page (@flytye216). Fly Tye's star is on the rise and I got the exclusive interview with him. See what Tye feels about the business, his comparisons to Gucci Mane and why his Curren$y will stay Consistent!
@InfamousNelle: So what made you want to be a rapper? Like how long have you been doing it?
Fly Tye: LOL it was something that just happened lol.. I went to the studio
wit one of my homeboys and layed a verse and was attached since lol.
And as far as pursuing rap I started really putting a real drive into it
about 8 months ago.
@InfamousNelle: Seeing as you are from Cleveland (The Midwest) and the South pretty much has the music game on lock...would you describe your style as southern or do you feel like you're a Midwest rapper? What is Fly Tye's style?
Fly Tye: I would have to say a lil of both... I'm able to mix swag with
truth... I try not to exaggerate my bars. You can only rap about a life you
don't live for a short amount of time before either the people expose you
expose yourself by appearance.
@InfamousNelle: How did Consistent Curren$y come about and how long have you been rocking with that?
Fly Tye: Consistent Curren$y came about when me and 2 of my homeboys
(Curt Kobane, R.O.B) sat down 4 months ago and decided we would
develop a company that not only described us, but also caught the
listeners ear. What sounds better then "Consistent Curren$y" LOL.
@InfamousNelle: Who are some of the key players of Consistent Curren$y and what is your role in the whole movement?
Fly Tye: Well u got Kobane, & R.O.B as far as the other 2 artist that
helped form Consistent Curren$y who's singles are tearing clubs up right
now "Watch Me Ride By" R.O.B. & "Hood Shit" Kobane.. And then a couple
other artist that we are workn on locking in (Dre Dre,& Woa Dollas).
@InfamousNelle: As far as rapping go how much of the business aspect is actually a part of a rappers career and do you think a rapper should focus on the business side of things or the music?
Fly Tye: Business is actually 90% of the game.. the talent is secondary. You
can be the best rapper in the world but without the right business
moves, the talent is a waste. Making money is vital.. So I definitely vote for
business lol
@InfamousNelle: So as a young business man yourself what are you looking for in a deal?...are you even looking for a deal? I know you just signed with Luxe Management (The same as Gucci Mane & Wacka Floka) but as far as a recording deal goes are you looking for one or do you want to keep everything "in-house"?
Fly Tye: Yeah we just locked in with " Luxe Management" based in Atlanta...that was
vital to us because they already manage several successful major artist and
that's going to allow us to push more on the major level now! So as far as a
deal its OK. But we wanna focus on being able to control our own
revenue.. So if anything maybe just a distribution deal or something.
@InfamousNelle: Being under the same management as Gucci Mane is a big deal for a rapper from Cleveland that's relatively new to the game, how did that deal come about?
Fly Tye: Actually its weird how it happened... R.O.B happen to have a big
homie down in ATL dat was relatively connected in the music industry...
He liked the music and kinda took us under his wing. With a few phone
calls he had us in the V.103 office having a sit down with Luxe Management.
From there the resumes won us over.
@InfamousNelle: You have a mixtape buzzing all over...can you tell the fans a little about that? I know Zaytoven did some beats for you or some production work.
Fly Tye: Yeah Zaytoven produced a couple tracks on there and as far as the
mixtape its gonna be classic... I wanna do something that hasn't been done
or at least done in a while and [something] that brings the looks back to Cleveland.
We have talent here...
@InfamousNelle: Two of my personal favorite songs is "Stacks in my denim" and "5th of Tang" how did these songs come about and what is your favorite song you have recorded so far?
Fly Tye:Well "5th of Tang" came about when I hooked up wit my ace from the
hood Preme... And we consumed a lil tang lol.. From there we took off
and likewise with stacks in my denim... Shit just kinda happens lol.. And
I got a joint called "Drip" that the ladies is going to love I Promise.
@InfamousNelle: Well one of the jokes people hit you with is that you look like Gucci Mane, but have you heard a lot of comparisons to him musically?
Fly Tye: Yeah I get that Gucci Mane joke more than often but not really
comparisons to his music outside of having one of the producers he
works with on a lot of his projects...
@InfamousNelle: You are building a lot of buzz not only in Cleveland but all over, this past week you interviewed at a radio station down in Atlanta and they showed you a lot of love down there so what do you planning on doing with your new found fame? Like is your plan to cross over like into mainstream or are you strictly underground?
Fly Tye: Keep grinding... No reason to celebrate yet lol.. Shit in that
case never time to celebrate.. You always got room for advancement and
yeah, we definitely look to cross over mainstream and still tamper wit
underground music as well.. There's no limit to the money...
@InfamousNelle: Well this is the first of many interview's between me and you so I won't take up anymore of you time right now...the fans have gotten their fix for today. So this is the part of the interview where you can give your shout outs, make announcements or just tell the people what you want them to know until we meet again.
Fly Tye: Big shoutouts to R.O.B, Kobane, Shawty Shawty (Comedian),
Preme, Luxe Management, Champagne Kings, Dihannas Dolls, LLF,and a bus
load of other people I may have not mentioned but has not been forgotten.
#Salute. You can find Fly Tye on Twitter...@flytye216
Consistent Curren$y,
"Who's Trending Next?" ::Young Joob::

Myspace used to be the one stop shop for everything hot but these days its undeniably Twitter. With access to all of the hottest celebs at the click of a button and a networking site designed basically to brand yourself its no wonder why Twittter caught on so fast with billions of people. Its also no surprise that world wide superstars like Diddy (@iamdiddy) and average Joe's on the come-up alike has found ways to pimp success on the networking site. With an outlet to basically talk for hours...constantly updating people on what you are doing and what you have coming up Twitter is a great way to gain fame. One guy who can attest to this is comedian Young Joob, born James Joiner, hailing from Cleveland, Ohio. Young Joob has over 8200 followers on his Twitter page and that's over 8200 people he gets to reach out and touch with his jokes on a daily basis. No doubt Twitter has taken Joob's fame to the next level and with his rising success Joob only has one plan and that's to go all the way to the top. Check out my exclusive interview with the rising comedian and hear his thoughts on fame, plans for the future and what he thinks of the competition!
@InfamousNelle: So tell me about your background where you're from...your home life and parents...any siblings...children ect. Just Personal stuff about your upbringing you wouldn't mind the world to know about you.
Joob: I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. Born & raised. I live a pretty swell life...I never had any financial problems coming up...you can say I was spoiled. I still get everything I want but the difference is I'm doing it myself. If you grind then you shine & god dammit I'm shining! I got a couple of brothers...Flexin Twon, Preme [both Cleveland rappers] & 2 other bros...Shouts out to Big D & King Worth. I got 1 sister.
@InfamousNelle: How has your upbringing shaped you as a man and a comedian?
Joob: I was raised in a kinda disciplined household. We had to do as we were told or faced consequences. My mother had me join every program in Cleveland that she could think of. First I thought it was punishment but now that I'm older I know it was to make me a jack of all trades. I know a lot more stuff than the average 22 all thanks to her. As far as being a comedian...That's natural. Lol. I been telling jokes since I learned to talk.
@InfamousNelle: So we all have heard of the "class clowns" and all that in school...were you a class clown in school and how did you go from just naturally being a jokester to being considered an actual Comedian and having fans and all that?
Joob: I actually did win the Class Clown title in my year book. As far as being a jokester to comedian...The transition came as soon as I made my twitter page. My fan base is ULTRA strong lol. Sheesh...I appreciate all my fans though.
@InfamousNelle: So tell me a little about what you want to do with your talents, I mean I think everybody "thinks" they are funny but it takes talent to be funny and entertaining 24-7 and judging by what I've seen on your Twitter page you are quite the entertainer. So what do you want to do with it?
Joob: I wouldn't mind doing movies or stand-up comedy.
@InfamousNelle: Have you done any stand-up shows yet? Do you have any shows planned or coming up?
Joob: Never did any stand-up shows but I have considered it.
@InfamousNelle: Who inspired you to really do comedy and who do you look up to as a comedian?
Joob: Growing up I've always watched The Wayans family, Chris Farley & Martin Lawrence...But as of now I would have to say Mike Epps. His comedy is raw...That's how mines is. He says whats on his mind & speaks of experiences he had. Similar to me.
@InfamousNelle: How would you describe your style as a comedian?
Joob: Im RAW!!! Explicit, Very vulgar. Sometimes I cant believe half the things that come out my mouth & fingertips lmao.
@InfamousNelle: So Cleveland seems to be on the rise in entertainment not only in music but now seemingly comedy too. And there are other young guys in Cleveland that are making moves in comedy for instance Quameen Vernon (@QuamBombZ) and Mactar (@MacGoneGlobal), guys who you are friends with respectively, recently Quameen has been doing stand-up shows and he won the comedy show at CSU recently for a stack. Now even though you are seemingly cool with these guys how do you feel you compare to them? Is their any competition between them in your eyes?
Joob: In my eyes, there is NO competition. If you do something...I've instilled in myself that I can do it 100 times better. Quam & Mac is my homies though & if I get on with this comedy thing, I will definitely bring them with me. Can't fully enjoy fame & fortune if you're alone. [Cocky Sentence] Mactar...Quam...I'm better than you two & there is nothing you can do about it. Lmao!
@InfamousNelle: Joke for Joke do you think these other guys on the come-up can touch you?
Joob: Honestly......NO!!!!
@InfamousNelle: Well I thank you for your time I know you're a busy guy, I wish you much success in your endeavors and I can't wait til part 2 of this interview. But this is the end of the road today, so now this is your opportunity to just rant basically, tell the fans what you want them to know, any announcements, shout-outs, thank God, ect.
Joob: Follow me on Twitter @Young_Joob Read my tweets. #ThatIsAll
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