Myspace used to be the one stop shop for everything hot but these days its undeniably Twitter. With access to all of the hottest celebs at the click of a button and a networking site designed basically to brand yourself its no wonder why Twittter caught on so fast with billions of people. Its also no surprise that world wide superstars like Diddy (@iamdiddy) and average Joe's on the come-up alike has found ways to pimp success on the networking site. With an outlet to basically talk for hours...constantly updating people on what you are doing and what you have coming up Twitter is a great way to gain fame. One guy who can attest to this is comedian Young Joob, born James Joiner, hailing from Cleveland, Ohio. Young Joob has over 8200 followers on his Twitter page and that's over 8200 people he gets to reach out and touch with his jokes on a daily basis. No doubt Twitter has taken Joob's fame to the next level and with his rising success Joob only has one plan and that's to go all the way to the top. Check out my exclusive interview with the rising comedian and hear his thoughts on fame, plans for the future and what he thinks of the competition!
@InfamousNelle: So tell me about your background where you're from...your home life and parents...any siblings...children ect. Just Personal stuff about your upbringing you wouldn't mind the world to know about you.
Joob: I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. Born & raised. I live a pretty swell life...I never had any financial problems coming up...you can say I was spoiled. I still get everything I want but the difference is I'm doing it myself. If you grind then you shine & god dammit I'm shining! I got a couple of brothers...Flexin Twon, Preme [both Cleveland rappers] & 2 other bros...Shouts out to Big D & King Worth. I got 1 sister.
@InfamousNelle: How has your upbringing shaped you as a man and a comedian?
Joob: I was raised in a kinda disciplined household. We had to do as we were told or faced consequences. My mother had me join every program in Cleveland that she could think of. First I thought it was punishment but now that I'm older I know it was to make me a jack of all trades. I know a lot more stuff than the average 22 all thanks to her. As far as being a comedian...That's natural. Lol. I been telling jokes since I learned to talk.
@InfamousNelle: So we all have heard of the "class clowns" and all that in school...were you a class clown in school and how did you go from just naturally being a jokester to being considered an actual Comedian and having fans and all that?
Joob: I actually did win the Class Clown title in my year book. As far as being a jokester to comedian...The transition came as soon as I made my twitter page. My fan base is ULTRA strong lol. Sheesh...I appreciate all my fans though.
@InfamousNelle: So tell me a little about what you want to do with your talents, I mean I think everybody "thinks" they are funny but it takes talent to be funny and entertaining 24-7 and judging by what I've seen on your Twitter page you are quite the entertainer. So what do you want to do with it?
Joob: I wouldn't mind doing movies or stand-up comedy.
@InfamousNelle: Have you done any stand-up shows yet? Do you have any shows planned or coming up?
Joob: Never did any stand-up shows but I have considered it.
@InfamousNelle: Who inspired you to really do comedy and who do you look up to as a comedian?
Joob: Growing up I've always watched The Wayans family, Chris Farley & Martin Lawrence...But as of now I would have to say Mike Epps. His comedy is raw...That's how mines is. He says whats on his mind & speaks of experiences he had. Similar to me.
@InfamousNelle: How would you describe your style as a comedian?
Joob: Im RAW!!! Explicit, Very vulgar. Sometimes I cant believe half the things that come out my mouth & fingertips lmao.
@InfamousNelle: So Cleveland seems to be on the rise in entertainment not only in music but now seemingly comedy too. And there are other young guys in Cleveland that are making moves in comedy for instance Quameen Vernon (@QuamBombZ) and Mactar (@MacGoneGlobal), guys who you are friends with respectively, recently Quameen has been doing stand-up shows and he won the comedy show at CSU recently for a stack. Now even though you are seemingly cool with these guys how do you feel you compare to them? Is their any competition between them in your eyes?
Joob: In my eyes, there is NO competition. If you do something...I've instilled in myself that I can do it 100 times better. Quam & Mac is my homies though & if I get on with this comedy thing, I will definitely bring them with me. Can't fully enjoy fame & fortune if you're alone. [Cocky Sentence] Mactar...Quam...I'm better than you two & there is nothing you can do about it. Lmao!
@InfamousNelle: Joke for Joke do you think these other guys on the come-up can touch you?
Joob: Honestly......NO!!!!
@InfamousNelle: Well I thank you for your time I know you're a busy guy, I wish you much success in your endeavors and I can't wait til part 2 of this interview. But this is the end of the road today, so now this is your opportunity to just rant basically, tell the fans what you want them to know, any announcements, shout-outs, thank God, ect.
Joob: Follow me on Twitter @Young_Joob Read my tweets. #ThatIsAll
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