The Chick with the Blogz

The Chick with the Blogz

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Gift & The Curse: Women Have it Worse!

If I hear another man complain that "brotha's got it bad" I'm going to pull my weave out! Like are you f'king serious! Women have it way worse than men and I can prove it. Exhibit A: Reproduction/Child birth, All you men have to do is stick your stick in a hole, plant some seeds, and keep it moving. But its not that easy for us women, we have to carry the baby in our body, get all stretched out of shape, try to give the baby everything he/she needs nutrition-wise while still fighting off cravings for Oreo's and pickles. And if that's not hard enough, after wobbling around for 9 months with this person living in our body, we then have to spend countless hours in a delivery room showing everyone what our mama's gave us while all your ass does is say "Push, Push." And if that isn't punishment enough, we then have to deal with the horrors of stretchmarks! When the last time a man pushed a human body out of his penis?...Don't worry, I'll wait!

Exhibit B: PMS! Do I even need to elaborate, like seriously how can you be a man and really believe that you have problems? I'll give your ass some problems. How about we trade your blue balls, athletes foot, and whatever other generic problems guys have for our cramps, bloating, stress, irritability, back pain, tension, mood swings, breast tenderness, and don't forget the bleeding! When guys start having monthly menstrual cycles and Tampax start making "penis pads," then I will start having sympathy for you.

And Finally (for now at least) Exhibit C: Social restrictions. Parents, teachers, and role models tell us our whole lives that we can think, do, and be anything we choose. But what they didn't tell us is that in society you can think, do, and be anything you want just as long as your not a GIRL! This is America the Great aka the land of the free but yet and still we (women) are told that we cant do this and we cant do that. Let them tell it, football isn't for girls, neither is basketball, baseball, soccer, or any sports for that matter, business, construction, hard labor, politics, and everything else they can think of. I guess the only thing we're good for is laying down and getting pregnant...oh no wait...we get blamed for that too! Like are you serious, who in the hell wants to trap you?!

As you can tell, I can go on for days about this and I can go toe to toe with who ever thinks otherwise. Don't get me wrong, being a woman is powerful and beautiful but it is definitely not an easy task. We have to deal with all of the problems life throws at us on top of physical handicaps, i.e. pregnancy & periods, and social stigmas. You think a black man has it hard, shit try being a black woman, or any woman for that matter. We have the weight of the world on our shoulders and we have to keep everything balanced while standing in 6-inch heels, carrying babies in our belly's, and sticking tampons in our....well you get the picture.

Until Next Time,
Its Me!!! Nelle P....and it feels so good to be back!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Can't Stand Dumb PPL!

I'm not a hater... but I HATE a dumb mahf'kah! Like seriously, have you ever been around a dumb person and you got a headache? I mean, WTF is wrong with people, do they not think before they speak? Now I am what is considered... "A thinking woman"...which basically means that I love engaging in thought and sharing ideals and stuff with people. But this is not a good thing all of the time because every once in a while I come across dumb people who like to share their dumb ass thoughts and ideals (I would laugh with you but this ish isn't funny to me).

Dumb people are a nuisance and they must be destroyed! Seriously, if you're an intelligent person then you can relate. Who gives people the right to be stupid? And more importantly, who gives these idiots the right to share their dumbness with me? Now I'm a liberal woman who believes in the right of free speech and expression but got damn! Must we add limitations to this ish? Things are getting ridiculous out here, just open your ears and listen...I bet you hear somebody saying some dumb ish.

But what's even worse is when a dumb ass, close minded, ignorant, illiterate, ill-informed, UN-educated mahf'kah takes it upon themselves to get in your conversation and tries to offer you some insight (Where they do that at!). Or just dumb people that just say dumb ish and you have to look twice and check your ears to make sure you heard them right. For instance, I'm doing know...just doing my lil 1-2, trying to figure out what to blog about next when I hear a guy say, "I like a hood bi-ish, f'k a classy girl" and then he proceeds to give these quote-unquote hood bi-ish's their props for everything no one should be commended for. Now, don't get me wrong, he's an adult who is entitled to his opinions, likes, and dislikes but COME ON! Who are we kidding people! Some things are best left unsaid and when you have a habit of saying ignorant ish without thinking first, I think your right to free speech shall be revoked.

Dumb people are just plain irritating. I remember when me and my Uncle Toney was having a discussion about prison and reformation...when out of now where Mr. Dumb ass (IDK the guy's name) comes out of left field with some non sense about how "Prison makes men out of boys," and "blah blah blah whatever else he said." I was like, "What? Are you serious?" And indeed he was. That was the most grueling five minute conversation I've ever had. I mean it literally felt like he was dumbing me down. I had to quickly engage in stimulating thought just so I could secure my brain cells (lolz j/king). For real though, dumb people shouldn't be allowed to share thoughts.

Think I'm being mean? Well you try having an not even intelligent...try having a productive conversation with one of these idiots and see if you don't agree with me then. It's too much to handle right? Right. Lolz. Better yet, let one of these "Stupids" (ctfu) jump in one of your conversations and let me know if you can feel your brain cells trying to escape also...Alright I quit! I quit. But I had to get this out and express this to you guys before I exploded with frustration. Besides, I know You can relate in one way or another...You're either a fellow intellectual...or You're the Dumb Mahf'kah I'm talking about now (CTFU)...

Until Next Time,

Its Me!! Nelle P!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sammie: The new face of Swag&B?

Sammie's all the rave today!!! His new mixtape "Swag&B" hosted by DJ Holiday was released and chix are going craaaazy! When I first saw the promo for the mixtape on Twitter...I can't lie...I dismissed it. But once I saw how many ppl were talking about this joint I just HAD to check it out for myself so I can let yall know what's really good. (As a matter of fact I'm listening to his version of "Wetter" for the 3rd time right now). So yall know how I do...Let's get to it!...

Might as well start from the beginning right? Right. So let me direct you to the intro..The Intro is crazy! It takes you by surprise because he's rapping...and he's actually good at it. Plus you can just feel the swag dripping off this joint...add that with the world famous ad-libs by DJ Holiday and you got something good...feels like summer time in Atlanta. Then we go to "Body Rock" which features Yung Joc and and the good vibes continue. This is definitely a hot track (I can see the video for it in my head now). In between this track and the next we have some words from the Oh So Sexy that bedroom swag goin' on. But then we get to "Rover Music."

Ok now, I like Sammie and I know his fans ride for him but I gotta be honest...I'm not feeling this too much. "Rover Music," just doesn't cut it for ya girl (Maybe because I don't drive a Range Rover) but in my opinion he could kept this one...its a bit tedious and gets annoying after hearing "Come on and put that boom, boom, in it" 1000 times!! But have no fear!...Afterall in the words of Day-Day (Next Friday) "Playas fuck up" so its cool! We will not cast stones at the young boi for having 1 track that didn't cut it...Let's see what else he has...

Boom!! Mahf'king "Wetter". Whew! He did the damn thang on this one right here...I told yall to hold back ya stones because the boi Sammie definitely redeemed himself with this one right here (I still can't stop listening to it)...His lovely voice serenades Twista's hit song and adds some R&B flair to it. This is definitely a ghetto love song that's guaranteed to get you in the mood while you gettin' some...well you know the rest :) You go boi! lolz. Now let's move on to the next track..."Twitter Freak" now I know what your thinking...I was thinking the same thing...but no, this is actually a nice lil trendy song. Now that I think of it..this song kind of (Kind of! as in slightly) reminds me of "Freak Me"...the cut by Silk. The thing that get's me though is the beat...its nice and relaxed. Its like a classic Sammie cut...but I'll leave this song to the young(er) chicks...I'm too damn grown to be anybody's Twitter Freak lolz.

Moving on...I offer to you..."Mechanic" featuring the Philly MC Cassidy (haven't heard from him in a while right) and this is one of the typical "R&B-Guy-To-The-Rescue" type songs. It has a nice lil feel to it but it didn't totally rock my world. But like a true champ, Sammie makes a come back with the hard-hitting cut "Mafia Music" know the "boss-like" Rick Ross hit...and guess what? What! He's spittin' on this joint too! Let me find out Sammie got hot 16's for these ninjas...Yeah this is swagged out...It has a personal feel to it also. Like he went in the booth and just let it all out. For this track...I give him an "A." Ok, so Sammie seems to be on a nice lil pattern, for the most part his songs are Hittin'. After da mafia joint, he takes a so-called "Twitter Break" lolz then his remake of "Swag Surfing" starts to play. Um..what can I say about this one...well the beat to "Swag Surfing" makes you like it...But I can't say that this is a hit. No doubt Sammie has swag but Swag Surfing is not for him. Sorrynot.

Ok so at this point, a little of my momentum has died down and I'm starting to feel like I fell for the hype. I mean in the beginning Sammie went so hard...then it got a lil soft...and the next track "Plenty Money" (remake of Plies hit song) doesn't make things any better. Idk it just doesn't know you cant make EVERY song into a R&B hit...even though he did try to spit a lil something at the end..I just didn't work for him. So we're going to have to label this a "Miss". Sorrynot. But things are looking up, I scroll down and see that Sam has a song with my fav crooner Trey Songz called "Bedroom G" heart is fluttering with anticipation now. I mean yall know how Trey gets down..I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those "pantie soakers!" But no. Its not. I mean, I like the song (Probably 'cause Songz is on it) but it doesn' do you say...ah it doesn't arouse me (yeah that's the word I was looking for). Its nice and catchy but it isn't like "OMFG I just gotta have this song!" Sorrynot.

But I'll admit..he kills it with "LoveHateSex" this is what Swag&B is made of! this is a grown and sexy song that you might even be able to have a lil rough sex to...if your into that kinda stuff:) And he killed it once more with "Come Home" This is what Sammie is famous for! These "Real R&B" love songs that most young singers know nothing about. Seems like the Boi got his swag back from earlier in the mixtape and he continues to deliver with the next few tracks "Love Rapture"(which I noticed is produced by Troy Taylor/Songbook the same guy who did "Come Home"), "Day-N-Night" is on point and "Everygirl" Is cute...though Sammie Sam seems a lil obsessed with Ms. Lauren London...can you say Stalker! lolz j/k. Then he finishes with "Sky's the Limit" featuring someone by the name of Young Yonny, this is an "Ok" song but he souldve finished off STRONG. Afterall, how can you put yourself in the category of Swag&B if you lack swag in the end? Idk.

Well as a whole I would say that this is a good listen, besides a few mishaps, Sammie proves that he can indeed stomp with the big dogs and it looks like to me he's trying to shave away that squeaky clean, preachers kid, image he's had for so long. Most of the tracks are "made ready" which means you can pop this into the CD player right now and ride around soaking up the summer sun, and for the most part, he proves that he has plenty of Swag to offer the world of R&B. Kudos Sammie!!

Until Next Time,
Its Me!! Nelle P!!!

Mario's Got A New Swag!

Yo this ninja got a baldie! lolz wtf. Look, I like Mario just as much as the next chick but a baldie? lolz come on now! My boi in the video looking like a cancer patient ctfu! Different Strokes for different folks...I guess lolz. Aight Aight I quit...Let's get to it...

Ok so Mario has got himself a new swag folks, and I'm not just talking about the baldie (ctfu) this guy has a new Ora about him. And you can see it in the video too. I mean its the way he conducts himself, his movements, his confidence seems at an all time high, and for Pete's Sake he shot the video in ghetto ass B-More! (shout out to B-More mad love lolz). I don't even think he shot his first video there. But whatever, like I was saying, it's something noticeably different about him. It's like he's found his inner-thug or something.

Look at how he is when the video first comes on...he's diddy boppin' (like a cool movement, not quite a dance movement) and ish. Yall know he didn't used to be like this...remember "You should Let Me" he was in that bi-ish trying to dance like Mike or something. Now he all in the video trying to be cool and ish. But go 'head Mario I can dig it. (PAUSE) Ladies (and some you doin') Did yall see him in the video with his shirt off?!! Um Delish!! Who knew lil Mario had all that hiding in those tight ass shirts. Maybe "Dancing With The Stars" got his body like that...who knows but I Like!

(Sidetracked) What was I saying?...Oh yeah his new swag, you see he put Gucci Mane in that joint! He don' went straight hood on our asses! And I know you hear the song, he talking about being a player! That's not the Mario we know right? Just a few years ago is was "How Could You," Now he in the vid cheating on his girl, showing off his 6-pack, and leaning in a Bentley driving through the hood. Seems like dancing on that show turned ol' Mario into a overnight R&B Thug ctfu! Can you say R-Kelly.

Aight, I quit I quit...i'm going to leave lil Mario alone 'cause that's my boi for real. I dig his music a lot and I feel like, for him to have such a strong vocal game, he light-weight gets slept on as far as album sales go. And this new cut "Break Up," featuring Gucci Mane & Sean Garrett is the ish! So kudos to Mr. Baldie for this joint and I look forward to hearing his new album, "D.N.A." when it drops.

Until next time,
Its Me!!! Nelle P!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Trey Songz..Hit or Miss?

Ok so everybody and they're mama's mama are talking about Songz interview in HoneyMag, and so am I. First off, I will say that I am an admirer of Songz but I will try...try to keep this un bias. Ok let's get to it...

I would say that the interview was entertaining and eye-opening, but as a fan, it kind of makes your stomach quiver when you hear tales of his sexual rendevous when he's out on the road but Please! Its not that serious...he's a man, and a fine one at that, so of course he's going to be hittin' groupies. Lol I mean come on now, did you think the man was a virgin? I just don't get what's all the fuss about. There's even chix out here that are saying they aren't his fans anymore because of what he said in the interview. Are they For real? Well I read the same interview and I don't see what he said that was so damning that people have to get their panties in a bunch.

For you guys who are reading this and have yet to read the article in question, I offer an overview of what was said. But before I get to that, let me quickly give ol' girl from HoneyMag (Courtney Willis) major kudos. I think her whole hook into the interview as well as the questions she asked hit the nail on the head (is that some country ish to say?). But enough of that, let's get to the dirty naughty stuff...

In the opening of the interview Songz is asked questions about his new album dropping this fall titled, "Ready," and about possible collaborations in the future with rapper Loso, then the interview does a 180 and it's sex talk time! My fav! Turns out, Songz is a supporter of porn and he even offers a few free sites for you other horny dogs to check out (i'm already up on em' lolz). After the porn talk, the question asker sparks up a lil groupie talk. She wants to know if he's smashing groupies in every city he visits, and we find out some of Songz choice cities to frequent and get groupie love in. Then there's the compare/contrast questions about how Songz treats J.O's (jump off's) as opposed to someone he'd consider his main chick. Interesting, but nothing too outrageous. Like most young hip-hopping guys, Songz has that attitude that his "main girl" gets it all...everything he wouldn't give or do to a J.O. But that's how its supposed to be whether your the leading male R&B singer of 2009 or if your John Doe from Ohio. You never treat a J.O. with the same respect as wifey...duh! So to sum that part of the article up let's just say: If your looking to be one of Songz J.O's, don't expect to be wined and dined like wifey. He Won't be telling you that he loves you and in most cases your going home after you...well you know. But that's nothing out of the ordinary.

Then he touches on safe sex, but this shouldn't surprise his real fans, after all you have heard his song "Store Run" right? I thought so. CuteMomentAlert!!: In the interview, Songz remembers how his mommy use to pack Magnums (Pause..umph)...yes Magnums in his suitcase when he was going on the road, how cute! Yes, he talks about always having protection with him and he even admits that every J.O. doesn't leave the hotel room satisfied. But not for the reason you're thinking, if the J.O. isn't satisfied its because she hasn't got that "lights down low, candles everywhere," treatment that he sings about. But like I said before, when you're a J.O. you can't expect wifey treatment. Now let's get to the mo' betta...

Women cry after sex with him...umph...must be nice. Yes, Songz offers readers a whole host of crazy things women do while/after engaging in sex with him. Some of them cry, some of them vomit (can't take the D) while others claim his..ah...ah...juices taste sweet because he eats Skittles a lot. Idk Wtf that's about but you'll have to refer to the interview to read all about the Pineapple Juice and Skittle's goodness lolz. Crazy. Then there's more compare/contrast of groupies vs. wifey, more music talk, and he explains where his fam. fits into his hectic life. BTW, he has little if you can't get to him...try one of them lolz. There's also a "either or section" included and Songz offers his blunt opinions about some of today's hottest messes and scandals (I think he's gettin' at Kelis). Oh yeah, he wants a wife and about 3,4,5, kids one day...he has pre-order packages for his new album available for his fans (yay!), and if we ever see a Trey Songz sex tape...know that he leaked it.

In all (and I'm not being bias) it was nothing wrong with the interview. But you know what it is?...ppl aren't used to celebrities being so honest. I can't remember the last interview I read where I felt the celebrity kept it 100. I mean, he answered all of the questions ol' girl asked and he told the truth. What more do you ppl want? Would you have preferred he lie? So if I had to be a judge, i'd say his interview with HoneyMag was definitely a Hit. And I know, I know...the ish about the girl vomiting because she couldn't take the D..was a bit much for you warm hearted fans to handle lolz but come ooooonnnnnn it was entertaining non the less. So Nelle P has made her decision and I rule Songz a Hit! So go and check the interview out now and lay off the boi Trey...he's keeping it real, who does that?!

Until Next Time,

Its Me!! Nelle P!!

This & That...whats hott in my Hood and Hollywood

Well hello world! I'm so excited to have my blog up & running. But forget all of that...lets get down to business.

Whats poppin'? Well in my Hood Street Smart Productions is what's poppin'. Street Smart is a production company that specializes in party promotions and they throw the hottest parties in the state...yes I said the state...of Ohio. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a member lolz, i'm for real. Then again you already know what it is, so what's poppin'? Well SSP has the Expensive Taste All College Cabaret poppin' off this Saturday in Cleveland at one of the classiest venues in the city. Hell, i'm not even in Cleveland right now and I can't even begin to tell you how many people has hit me up about this event...its in high demand. That's Why this SSP event is "What's Poppin!" Its definitely an event thats refreshing to the Ohio college party scene. Attendees can expect a splendid time in a classy setting with the hottest college students all over the state of Ohio. This is officially a Nelle P Must Attend Event! They earned the SOA (stamp of approval).

What else is poppin'? Well definitely Young Money ENT is poppin'. Idk about everywhere else but in Cleveland I don't know 1 person who doesn't bump Drake or Nikki Minaj. That's why the Lil' Wayne Concert "America's Most Wanted" Tour is what's poppin'. And its sure to be a pleas er, Weezy F. Baby has more songs than anybody in hip-hop right now and Drake isn't far behind. Those two could do the entire concert alone and fans would still leave pleased. Oh yeah, then there's Young Jeezy...the whole f'king hood loves Jeezy so he's sure to have thugs bouncing and singing along to his lyrics. And we can't forget about that Kiss me through the phone kid and the latest sensation Jeremiah...they're guaranteed to get the girls warmed up and ready for the headliners. Anyway, this all goes down August 6 so if you don't have tickets...go and getchasum.

Well that's what's poppin' right about least all that I'm willing to write about at 3:30 in the morning lolz. I'm tried and my brian is fried so I'm going to call it a night. But believe you me, this is the 1st of many "What's Poppin" blogs coming from ya girl. So until next time....

Nelle P