Yo this ninja got a baldie! lolz wtf. Look, I like Mario just as much as the next chick but a baldie? lolz come on now! My boi in the video looking like a cancer patient ctfu! Different Strokes for different folks...I guess lolz. Aight Aight I quit...Let's get to it...
Ok so Mario has got himself a new swag folks, and I'm not just talking about the baldie (ctfu) this guy has a new Ora about him. And you can see it in the video too. I mean its the way he conducts himself, his movements, his confidence seems at an all time high, and for Pete's Sake he shot the video in ghetto ass B-More! (shout out to B-More mad love lolz). I don't even think he shot his first video there. But whatever, like I was saying, it's something noticeably different about him. It's like he's found his inner-thug or something.
Look at how he is when the video first comes on...he's diddy boppin' (like a cool movement, not quite a dance movement) and ish. Yall know he didn't used to be like this...remember "You should Let Me" he was in that bi-ish trying to dance like Mike or something. Now he all in the video trying to be cool and ish. But go 'head Mario I can dig it. (PAUSE) Ladies (and some fellas...how you doin') Did yall see him in the video with his shirt off?!! Um Delish!! Who knew lil Mario had all that hiding in those tight ass shirts. Maybe "Dancing With The Stars" got his body like that...who knows but I Like!
(Sidetracked) What was I saying?...Oh yeah his new swag, you see he put Gucci Mane in that joint! He don' went straight hood on our asses! And I know you hear the song, he talking about being a player! That's not the Mario we know right? Just a few years ago is was "How Could You," Now he in the vid cheating on his girl, showing off his 6-pack, and leaning in a Bentley driving through the hood. Seems like dancing on that show turned ol' Mario into a overnight R&B Thug ctfu! Can you say R-Kelly.
Aight, I quit I quit...i'm going to leave lil Mario alone 'cause that's my boi for real. I dig his music a lot and I feel like, for him to have such a strong vocal game, he light-weight gets slept on as far as album sales go. And this new cut "Break Up," featuring Gucci Mane & Sean Garrett is the ish! So kudos to Mr. Baldie for this joint and I look forward to hearing his new album, "D.N.A." when it drops.
Until next time,
Its Me!!! Nelle P!!!!
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