Sammie's all the rave today!!! His new mixtape "Swag&B" hosted by DJ Holiday was released and chix are going craaaazy! When I first saw the promo for the mixtape on Twitter...I can't lie...I dismissed it. But once I saw how many ppl were talking about this joint I just HAD to check it out for myself so I can let yall know what's really good. (As a matter of fact I'm listening to his version of "Wetter" for the 3rd time right now). So yall know how I do...Let's get to it!...
Might as well start from the beginning right? Right. So let me direct you to the intro..The Intro is crazy! It takes you by surprise because he's rapping...and he's actually good at it. Plus you can just feel the swag dripping off this joint...add that with the world famous ad-libs by DJ Holiday and you got something good...feels like summer time in Atlanta. Then we go to "Body Rock" which features Yung Joc and and the good vibes continue. This is definitely a hot track (I can see the video for it in my head now). In between this track and the next we have some words from the Oh So Sexy Sammie...got that bedroom swag goin' on. But then we get to "Rover Music."
Ok now, I like Sammie and I know his fans ride for him but I gotta be honest...I'm not feeling this too much. "Rover Music," just doesn't cut it for ya girl (Maybe because I don't drive a Range Rover) but in my opinion he could kept this one...its a bit tedious and gets annoying after hearing "Come on and put that boom, boom, in it" 1000 times!! But have no fear!...Afterall in the words of Day-Day (Next Friday) "Playas fuck up" so its cool! We will not cast stones at the young boi for having 1 track that didn't cut it...Let's see what else he has...
Boom!! Mahf'king "Wetter". Whew! He did the damn thang on this one right here...I told yall to hold back ya stones because the boi Sammie definitely redeemed himself with this one right here (I still can't stop listening to it)...His lovely voice serenades Twista's hit song and adds some R&B flair to it. This is definitely a ghetto love song that's guaranteed to get you in the mood while you gettin' some...well you know the rest :) You go boi! lolz. Now let's move on to the next track..."Twitter Freak" now I know what your thinking...I was thinking the same thing...but no, this is actually a nice lil trendy song. Now that I think of it..this song kind of (Kind of! as in slightly) reminds me of "Freak Me"...the cut by Silk. The thing that get's me though is the beat...its nice and relaxed. Its like a classic Sammie cut...but I'll leave this song to the young(er) chicks...I'm too damn grown to be anybody's Twitter Freak lolz.
Moving on...I offer to you..."Mechanic" featuring the Philly MC Cassidy (haven't heard from him in a while right) and this is one of the typical "R&B-Guy-To-The-Rescue" type songs. It has a nice lil feel to it but it didn't totally rock my world. But like a true champ, Sammie makes a come back with the hard-hitting cut "Mafia Music"...you know the "boss-like" Rick Ross hit...and guess what? What! He's spittin' on this joint too! Let me find out Sammie got hot 16's for these ninjas...Yeah this is swagged out...It has a personal feel to it also. Like he went in the booth and just let it all out. For this track...I give him an "A." Ok, so Sammie seems to be on a nice lil pattern, for the most part his songs are Hittin'. After da mafia joint, he takes a so-called "Twitter Break" lolz then his remake of "Swag Surfing" starts to play. Um..what can I say about this one...well the beat to "Swag Surfing" makes you like it...But I can't say that this is a hit. No doubt Sammie has swag but Swag Surfing is not for him. Sorrynot.
Ok so at this point, a little of my momentum has died down and I'm starting to feel like I fell for the hype. I mean in the beginning Sammie went so hard...then it got a lil soft...and the next track "Plenty Money" (remake of Plies hit song) doesn't make things any better. Idk it just doesn't fit...you know you cant make EVERY song into a R&B hit...even though he did try to spit a lil something at the end..I just didn't work for him. So we're going to have to label this a "Miss". Sorrynot. But things are looking up, I scroll down and see that Sam has a song with my fav crooner Trey Songz called "Bedroom G"...my heart is fluttering with anticipation now. I mean yall know how Trey gets down..I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those "pantie soakers!" But no. Its not. I mean, I like the song (Probably 'cause Songz is on it) but it doesn't..how do you say...ah it doesn't arouse me (yeah that's the word I was looking for). Its nice and catchy but it isn't like "OMFG I just gotta have this song!" Sorrynot.
But I'll admit..he kills it with "LoveHateSex"...now this is what Swag&B is made of! this is a grown and sexy song that you might even be able to have a lil rough sex to...if your into that kinda stuff:) And he killed it once more with "Come Home" This is what Sammie is famous for! These "Real R&B" love songs that most young singers know nothing about. Seems like the Boi got his swag back from earlier in the mixtape and he continues to deliver with the next few tracks "Love Rapture"(which I noticed is produced by Troy Taylor/Songbook the same guy who did "Come Home"), "Day-N-Night" is on point and "Everygirl" Is cute...though Sammie Sam seems a lil obsessed with Ms. Lauren London...can you say Stalker! lolz j/k. Then he finishes with "Sky's the Limit" featuring someone by the name of Young Yonny, this is an "Ok" song but he souldve finished off STRONG. Afterall, how can you put yourself in the category of Swag&B if you lack swag in the end? Idk.
Well as a whole I would say that this is a good listen, besides a few mishaps, Sammie proves that he can indeed stomp with the big dogs and it looks like to me he's trying to shave away that squeaky clean, preachers kid, image he's had for so long. Most of the tracks are "made ready" which means you can pop this into the CD player right now and ride around soaking up the summer sun, and for the most part, he proves that he has plenty of Swag to offer the world of R&B. Kudos Sammie!!
Until Next Time,
Its Me!! Nelle P!!!
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