I'm not a hater... but I HATE a dumb mahf'kah! Like seriously, have you ever been around a dumb person and you got a headache? I mean, WTF is wrong with people, do they not think before they speak? Now I am what is considered... "A thinking woman"...which basically means that I love engaging in thought and sharing ideals and stuff with people. But this is not a good thing all of the time because every once in a while I come across dumb people who like to share their dumb ass thoughts and ideals (I would laugh with you but this ish isn't funny to me).
Dumb people are a nuisance and they must be destroyed! Seriously, if you're an intelligent person then you can relate. Who gives people the right to be stupid? And more importantly, who gives these idiots the right to share their dumbness with me? Now I'm a liberal woman who believes in the right of free speech and expression but got damn! Must we add limitations to this ish? Things are getting ridiculous out here, just open your ears and listen...I bet you hear somebody saying some dumb ish.
But what's even worse is when a dumb ass, close minded, ignorant, illiterate, ill-informed, UN-educated mahf'kah takes it upon themselves to get in your conversation and tries to offer you some insight (Where they do that at!). Or just dumb people that just say dumb ish and you have to look twice and check your ears to make sure you heard them right. For instance, I'm doing me...you know...just doing my lil 1-2, trying to figure out what to blog about next when I hear a guy say, "I like a hood bi-ish, f'k a classy girl" and then he proceeds to give these quote-unquote hood bi-ish's their props for everything no one should be commended for. Now, don't get me wrong, he's an adult who is entitled to his opinions, likes, and dislikes but COME ON! Who are we kidding people! Some things are best left unsaid and when you have a habit of saying ignorant ish without thinking first, I think your right to free speech shall be revoked.
Dumb people are just plain irritating. I remember when me and my Uncle Toney was having a discussion about prison and reformation...when out of now where Mr. Dumb ass (IDK the guy's name) comes out of left field with some non sense about how "Prison makes men out of boys," and "blah blah blah whatever else he said." I was like, "What? Are you serious?" And indeed he was. That was the most grueling five minute conversation I've ever had. I mean it literally felt like he was dumbing me down. I had to quickly engage in stimulating thought just so I could secure my brain cells (lolz j/king). For real though, dumb people shouldn't be allowed to share thoughts.
Think I'm being mean? Well you try having an intelligent...no not even intelligent...try having a productive conversation with one of these idiots and see if you don't agree with me then. It's too much to handle right? Right. Lolz. Better yet, let one of these "Stupids" (ctfu) jump in one of your conversations and let me know if you can feel your brain cells trying to escape also...Alright I quit! I quit. But I had to get this out and express this to you guys before I exploded with frustration. Besides, I know You can relate in one way or another...You're either a fellow intellectual...or You're the Dumb Mahf'kah I'm talking about now (CTFU)...
Until Next Time,
Its Me!! Nelle P!!!